Lillelund Engpark / Hjertesti

Distance: 2.70 Km

 | +45 96 28 28 28 | | 
Lillelund Engpark consists of a large climatic lake that invites movement, learning and good nature and outdoor experiences. Here you can run, cycle, go for a walk, use fitness equipment and walk your dog.

The path around the lakes is illuminated, asphalted and suitable for the disabled. The path is approx. 2,3 km. and has light sources all around. The light is off from 23 to 6 in the morning. 

The natural content of the area is expected to be very varied. The play trays can be used for kite flying and toboggan runs. Under normal conditions, it will be possible to cross the lake at the ford, but the traffic takes place at your own risk. 

Updated by: VisitHerning |
Photographer: Jannie Nyegaard
Photographer: Jannie Nyegaard
Photographer: Jannie Nyegaard
Photographer: Jannie Nyegaard
Photographer: Jannie Nyegaard