Apoteket herningCentret

Distance: 0.30 Km

 | +45 97 12 07 87 |  281hc@apoteket.dk |  www.herning.apotekeren.dk | 
You get free advice and guidance from professionally trained staff on medicine, health and illness completely without an appointment.

Welcome to Apoteket herningCentret. 

We are an independently functioning branch, which belongs to Herning Østergades Apotek and is owned and operated by pharmacies Helle Steen Sørensen.

At the branch, you can have your prescriptions dispensed on the same terms as at any other pharmacy.

The pharmacy has a wide range of normal pharmacy products. This range is continuously adapted to demand and you can always ask the pharmacy to have a specific item in stock.

You will be served by pharmacy-trained staff and will receive the same professional advice as at the main pharmacy.

Disabled access.

You will find us at entrance G, where there is parking right at the door.

Updated by: VisitHerning | mail@visitherning.com
Photographer: Erling Jørgensen