ORION (herningCentret)

Distance: 0.28 Km

 | +45 97 12 34 39 |  mgr5003@orion.de |  www.ditorion.dk | 
ORION is an erotic shop with its own webshop that offers toys for adults. The shop is designed so that you decide for yourself how far you want to go in the world of erotica.

With our store concept – an erotic shopping experience – we at ORION consciously try to stand out from the crowd of sex shops.

Our concept emphasizes a cultured approach to taboos and knowledge of where the line between good and bad taste lies. Everything that can be perceived as obscene is deliberately placed at the back of the store - but without being banned.

It is the customers who decide how much they want to see.

You are always welcome in the store and to let yourself be inspired www.ditorion.dk 

Updated by: VisitHerning | mail@visitherning.com
Photographer: Erling Jørgensen Copyright: VisitHerning