Vero Moda (herningCentret)

Distance: 0.28 Km

 | +45 96 26 45 33 | | 
Vero Moda offers inspiring, affordable styles in the right quality, which make it easy for the young woman to style herself and at the same time play with her look.

At Vero Moda, it is easy for you as a customer to find the right styles and at the same time follow the trend on your own terms.

We welcome you with a smile, and are always ready to help with personal guidance and styling.

Every day we receive new styles, so often stop by or stay updated on our profiles on Instagram and Facebook. Here you will find news, offers, styling tips etc.

We look forward to seeing you.

Updated by: VisitHerning |
Photographer: Erling Jørgensen Copyright: VisitHerning