Nazareth Mission House

Distance: 14.45 Km

The Nazareth mission house in Nybro was built in 1889 as one of the first mission houses in the area. Prior to the dedication, there was a veritable race between the Grundtvigans and Indre Mission to be the first to finish building their own house.

Previously, the two spiritual movements had both been able to hold meetings in the local school, but the missionaries would not stay in the rooms where dancing and ungodly games were played. At the same time, the Grundtvigians wanted a new place with space to practice sports and dance. Thus began a race to build each assembly point. The Grundtvigians won by a week, as Ørre Assembly House was completed before the Mission House.

During the 1960s, the mission house slowly fell into disuse, but thanks to the local mission association, was preserved with its original furnishings.

In 1996, the building was listed and in 2002 thoroughly restored. The house now stands as a very valuable historical reminder of a time when the population was divided into two popular movements, Grundtvigianism and Inner Mission.

Nasaret is part of the walking and cycling route "Brydningstiden", which connects the four cornerstones Helenes Hus, Nasaret, Forsamlinghuset and Nygaard Gl. School. On the sign at the entrance you can read about the route, and if you have a smartphone, you can also listen to an exciting story. See how on the sign.

The mission house is open 1 hours a day from April 31 to October XNUMX.

Updated by: VisitHerning |
Photographer: Jannie Nyegaard
Photographer: Jannie Nyegaard
Photographer: Jannie Nyegaard
Photographer: Jannie Nyegaard